Why Ping Pong Paddles Red and Black?

Why Ping Pong Paddles Red and Black? In this article, you will learn about the rules and regulations that govern the combination of colors on table tennis paddles. Red and blue are always the colors on both sides of the paddle. Today, many people wonder why it is always so. The paddles that were used in the early days were made of any color, such as black, red, green, and blue.

Red&Black Paddles

Quick History Review

During the period from 1970 to 1980, Players started using the same color with different rubber characteristics to deceive their opponents. For example, one side of the paddle has inverted rubber and the other side has long pimple rubber but with the same color. The players started making deceptive shots by using inverted or long black pimple rubber. It is very difficult for the opponent to judge the shot.

When it comes to serving, The opponent found it difficult to know which side of the paddle would be used. It is possible for players to quickly switch from spin to speed during the game. ITTF’s Two Color Rule represents their commitment to maintaining transparency and fairness in sports of all kinds. Using color combinations while playing can be very challenging.

Color differences between table tennis rackets may have more than one explanation. Let me explain this in detail to you a bit more so that you can fully understand everything.

Two Color Rule of ITTF

In 1986, ITTF established a rule that stated that “One side of the racket must be Red and the other side will be Black”. This rule ensured that the game remains transparent and fair. There is a difference in speed, spin, and control characteristics on each side of the rubber.

Originally, this rule came two years before the first Olympics was established to emphasize the fact that the first Olympic medal winner should earn the medal by skill rather than by tricks. Once this rule has been approved, all paddle rubbers that will be used in national, international, and Olympic matches must be marked with the ITTF logo.

Another rule to follow is that players’ shirts should not be the same in competitions and games. Shirts should be different from each other. Due to the contrast and transparency of the image, this is the case.

Ping-pong balls also came under consideration. The balls will come in orange and white colors. In tournaments, white balls would be used.

Difference between the Red and Black sides of the Paddle

It is important to note that both sides of the paddles are different. One side is Red and the other side is Black. Both sides have different rubber characteristics. Inverted rubber can be found on one side, while long pimple rubber can be found on the other.

The red rubber paddles are less tacky and there is a thicker gap between the rubber and the paddle blade. The ball will be faster and stronger with more powerful strikes, but the ball will have less control and spin.

In addition to being tackier, black rubber has a thin foam layer between it and the rubber. Compared to the red one, it has less speed but will provide excellent ball control and spin. There is a difference in sound produced by the red and black sides of the rubber due to the different tackiness and thickness.

The Characteristics of the Red&Black Rubber are given below

Black Rubber Characteristics

  • The tackiness of black rubber lasts for a long time.
  • There is a difference between black and red rubber in terms of tackiness.
  • There is a difference between black rubber and red rubber in terms of softness.
  • The spinning and control of the ball are good.

Red Rubber Characteristics

  • It has good speed.
  • There is less stickiness and it is faster.
  • The top sheet is harder with red pigments since red rubber is harder.

Forehand and Backhand sides of the Rubber

The rubber on the forehand side is different from the rubber on the backhand side. The forehand rubber always has more spin and control because it is tackier and more durable. There is good speed on the backhand side.

Chinese rubber uses Black for the forehand and Red for the backhand while in Japanese and European rubber, Red is better for the forehand and black for the backhand.

Game Transparency

It is essential for all sports, including table tennis, to have transparency and fairness within the game. It’s good to know that opponent, judge, audience, and you can easily tell which side of the paddle is being used. It is easy to predict and know what stroke will be played with the two-color rubber rule.

During the game and before the match, your opponent can inspect your paddle if you choose to change your paddle. You can also inspect your opponent’s paddle.

Other Color Paddles for Ping Pong

As well as red and black rubber, you can also choose from green, yellow, rose, blue, and even white rubber. The ITTF made the 1986 rule, however, which made other colors more difficult to find. The fact remains that there are still old ones out there, as well as some new ones, but they are made only for fun play because, in competitions, red and black paddles are mandatory.

In general, professional rackets in red and black can be very expensive; however, recreational rackets are often quite cheap since they are only used recreationally.

Other Rules that Must be followed

There are certain other rules that must be followed while playing ping pong are given below

  • A covering material must extend up to the edges of the blade, but cannot extend beyond them.
  • You can leave the part of the handle that you are gripping with your fingers uncovered or cover it with anything you prefer.
  • It is required that 85% of the racket is made from natural wood.
  • It is required that the blade, its layer within it, the covering material, and the adhesive on one side of the blade used for striking are continuous and even.
  • Physical, chemical, or other treatments should not be applied to the racket’s cover.
  • Whenever a paddle is changed or before a match starts, it must be examined by both players.


I hope, after reading this article you are able to understand the reason that the majority of the paddles are Red and Black due to ITTF rules and regulations to maintain fairness and transparency in tournaments.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Does ITTF Introduces Two Color Rule.

ITTF introduces two color rule in 1986 which states that “One side of the racket must be Red and the other side will be Black”.

Which Rubber Color Chinese and Europeans Prefer as Forehand backhand Side.

Chinese rubber uses Black for the forehand and Red for the backhand while in Japanese and European rubber, Red is better for the forehand and black for the backhand.

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